Saturday, May 7, 2011

How a service dog will help Annie

What a service dog will do for Annie is one of the more difficult questions to answer because it makes me realize how dependent Annie is on us as her parents.  While my one twin is potty trained and can open the fridge and tell you what she wants Annie as it seems is locked within herself.  We know there is so many great things in her, however she cannot let those great things out yet. 
Her twin is to the point that when we are in a store she can walk along side of us, while Annie still needs to be in a stroller.  She does not understand the dangers of running off without us.  With the help of a service dog Annie may be able to experience the freedom of not being confided to a stroller while in public.  Annie is such a special little girl and it is truly heart breaking to know that she does not get the experiences that others her age do because of her autism.
We have to also limit the time that we spend in anyone place due to Annie’s inability to digest new environments.  After walking in the mall Annie will begin to scream  and if not distracted Annie will go into tantrum or melt down mode.  This is not because she has behavioral issues rather it has to do with her autism and sensory issues.  During this time Annie gets many stares because many do not understand the struggles she has each day.  
       After reading and seeing how service dogs work we also think that the service dog may help her to limit the tantrums/melt downs as well as the stimming (this would be reparative behaviors such as spinning, odd hand gestures and running back and forth).    The leading causes of death among wanders is due to drowning or death due to the elements.  You hear it time and time again of autistic children going missing and what greater freedom could she have then to know the service dog will help keep her from wandering.  Then if the unthinkable were to happen and Annie did go missing the service dog is trained in search a rescue, which could save Annie’s life one day.  
This is one of the more touchy parts of Annie having autism.  Annie’s twin is getting to the point where she is making new friends and Annie has yet to make many if any.  This is not because she is not fun to be around rather it is because she is closed off so to speak like so many other autistic kids.  We both know that the service dog is not a pet in the traditional sense of the word, however we believe that it can be much more then this.   A companion that may help bring Annie out of her shell of autism.  We believe that animals have the ability to help in the recovery process of overcoming autism along with other disabilities.  Annie needs as much help as possible to lead a normal life.  While every parent wants their child to be a doctor, lawyer or the next president, we on the other hand want Annie to lead a life of independence.  We want Annie to learn the basic life skills that each of us tend to take for granted.  With the help of the service dog I believe this can be a major help to her being able to live that life of independence.    


  1. Mom can I please have a ferret also Annie is speaking. If you want proof, my bdays September 20th

  2. Mom can I please have a ferret also Annie is speaking. If you want proof, my bdays September 20th

    Edit: And I still only have 1 freind. ;-;
