Wednesday, May 18, 2011

And It's Underway

This task we have taken on, raising money for an autism service dog, seems like a mountain we will never get over. However, we will make it happen. Paul Jr., from Paul Jr. Designs, previously from Orange County Choppers, donated a signed poster of himself to us so we can auction it off. An artist in Cincinnati has agreed to donate some awesome artwork. He paints mailboxes and they are so good they have been auctioned off at several hundred dollars. Great Clips at Mt Zion has also donated a free haircut to be raffled off.  We are beyond blessed with people surrounding us wanting to help. A woman from our church has been instrumental in the journey to our service dog. She is 8 months pregnant with a 2 year old and she is very committed to helping us.  That is why we go there and why we are joining this church. They are the first church to reach out to us and help us with Annie and her special needs. This is the church we have been looking for and we love it. The Kenton County Recorder came out today and did a story on Annie and the use of an Autism Service Dog. She took pictures and she said the story will be out next thursday 5/26/11. She said you can stop by the office and get a copy, if you want one starting the 26th for 1 week. Jen from "The Jeff and Jen Morning Show" on Q102 said she would do anything to help us get a dog. 4 Paws For Ability is in the process of making a page for Annie so people can donate through that. So please, if any of you are willing to help us organize an event, or know anyone who can help us achieve our goal, please email Thank you for keeping up with our blog and caring and loving us and our little Annie MacKay.


  1. Love this and our darling girl! :)

    1. Hi, Annie here, I wanna thank you and everyone else for the support, everyone else for the support! If you don't beleive me, I'm almost a teen and I'm in 7th grade.
