Monday, August 15, 2011

The Benefit Dinner/Silent Auction

Annie's Benefit Dinner/Silent Auction was a HUGE success thanks to many many people. I need to thank these people first before I go on. First, God had a huge hand in guiding and directing me to the right people. I know He wanted her to have this dog but it seemed to big of a mountain to climb. He orchestrated the right people and dropped them into our way. After all, He is the one who knew this would happen. Annie's autism and difficulties did not take Him by surprise. With that being said, my parents are amazing people. They have been there every single second. When I cried, laughed, tantrumed, yelled- they were there. They picked up the pieces when I didn't think it would work. They helped me pull this event off. Annie has phenomenal grandparents who love her like their own. Next is my wingman, Karen Thacker. Countless hours, texts and conversations were spent on this event. Donations, calls, picking donations up, etc etc AND etc.  I know it took time out from your family but you kept me grounded when I didn't think we could pull it off. To the Corbin Family, you had a huge part in the success. Without you, we would have not had the success in the donations, ticket sales, and money raised. For not knowing us beforehand, you went way above and beyond to help a little girl. You were dedicated to helping raise enough money for Annie's service dog. You were instrumental in making this happen and for that, thank you will never be enough. Katrina, you spent countless hours on Annie's behalf in getting awesome donations. You called and called and had so much success. I have to admit the pearl necklace was my favorite and hated to see it go. You got it done and without you, we wouldn't have raised as much as we did. You got in there, dug in, and didn't leave until the job was done. I knew I could count on you 100% and you came through for me. You were a God-send. Thank your husband and Henry for lending you to me. Calvary Baptist Church let us have the event there in their beautiful center. When other churches told us no, you told us yes. Thank you for blessing other people with your beautiful facility. Carol Ray & Marvin from Calvary Baptist Church organized the event, set up all tables, tablecloths, and centerpieces, tore down, and facilitated having the food ready for people to eat. Talk about a big job. The Center looked so gorgeous and elegant for my Annie. You two did an amazing job! It brought tears to my eyes when I first saw it. You exceeded my expectations. For Larry & Judy Broering - wow, talk about helping. I didn't worry about one thing with you in the kitchen. You were there all day from start to finish. I know it took soooo much to heat and cook and bake all that food and keep it coming so everyone was fed. You worked so hard and it really payed off. Thank you for answering my plea for help. You far exceeded the standard of a friend. Chelsea- You have been with Annie for months now and we cannot tell you how much we just love you being in Annie's life! Thank you for helping me all day on Saturday and for speaking at the benefit. You did a great job. To all of the people who brought food- you made this happen and you filled people's bellies. I could not have done all of that by myself. You my friends, touched my heart in a big way. To everyone who donated big baskets, expensive things, cherished items, and spent their own money for this auction, you have my utmost adoration and gratitude. My heart overflows with everyone's willingness to help me. I know each one of you cared about our little girl and wanted to support us. For the people that donated online, gave us money and checks, you have just as important place in my heart. We can't get the service dog without money. I know who donated and how much and believe me, it goes beyond gratitude at this point. I believe this dog will save Annie's life one day. For that, The Havel Family is most thankful and just honored to have your help. Every time I see this dog do something for Annie, you will come to my mind and I will remember each one of you and the sacrifice you had in making this happen.

Thank you to my sisters who each took a child the night before so we could tie up loose ends. Thank you Sharlyn for your part in getting and picking up donations.

Thank you Aunt Ginny for the cupcakes. They were the perfect addition to the whole night and such a great idea! You saved me there. Aunt B, Thank you so much for the work you put in on getting your donations! Your basket went like a hot potato.

I want to thank 4 Paws for Ability, Kelly Camm, Denise and her son DJ and service dog Nitro. 4 Paws For Ability has made our dream a reality by offering such a great program. You are helping people and children with disabilities get there life back and live it to the fullest.

To my husband Joshua- We set out to do something. This was your idea and I thank you for pushing until it became a reality. I know we had some rough patches with promised donations not coming in but we did it. We raised the money, despite our obstacles. I thank you for your support and being such a great daddy to all 3 of your girls. I couldn't ask for a better spouse to walk through this life. I love you.

My dearest little Annie:

We did it. We raised a couple hundred over $13,000. You are so very loved! You have been so blessed by so many people and their kindness. I hope 1 day you look back and read this and feel thankful to people who have helped you. There are some people who had NEVER met you or just met you that helped make our little dream into a big dream and then into a reality. Our community of family and friends has made it possible to get your autism service dog. I hope you feel loved and mommy and daddy will keep doing everything necessary to see you recover and keep you safe. We love you so much.

I would like to tell you about our next step. As of now, we are working on a week's worth of video of Annie so we can send it into 4 Paws. This helps them match the dog to Annie. In addition, they will take all of Annie's personality traits good and bad, and train the dog off of those behaviors. Also, we are asking the dog to be trained in tracking. This would come into play if Annie got away from us and wandered, the dog would immediately start tracking Annie so we could find her a.s.a.p. A must-have for Annie. The other skill we want to see the dog have is that of tethering. Annie would be tethered to the dog. Annie has a tendency to just bolt and be gone. She runs off without one ounce of fear. I know normal 3 years do this also. But normal 3 year old behavior coupled with autism and wandering is a death sentence. We cannot take that chance. The dog will be trained over the next 7-8 months. We will then join our canine in Xenio, Ohio for training classes for two weeks. We then graduate with our dog and he/she is ours! As I get more information, I will be blogging. This makes my heart so overwhelmed with joy and peace. Mostly peace of mind. Thank you all for joining us on our journey toward an Autism Service Dog through 4 Paws For Ability.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The holiday weekend.

Over this past weekend Annie was able to pet and sit on a horse for the first time, thank you Chelsea.  Annie loved it and she has been carrying a toy horse around since coming home.  Overall this weekend has been good Annie has been really interactive, it is good to have those days when she is like this.  As I type this she is sitting next to me and watching what I am doing.  We are going to her aunt Stacey's on monday, which will give her some time to run around and spend time with her cousins.  We will keep you updated and let you know how that day went...... 

Friday, May 20, 2011


This will be in place to keep everyone up to date on donations to Annie, as well as how close we are to our goal.  If you do not wish to have your name on this blog we understand and respect that, if you could send an email to  Once again thank you to everyone that is following our family along this journey.

Individual                                 Companies
Jennifer Kaufmann                   Paul Jr. Design
                                                 Great Clips
                                                 Jordan Klosterman
                                                 J.Klosterman Photography

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

And It's Underway

This task we have taken on, raising money for an autism service dog, seems like a mountain we will never get over. However, we will make it happen. Paul Jr., from Paul Jr. Designs, previously from Orange County Choppers, donated a signed poster of himself to us so we can auction it off. An artist in Cincinnati has agreed to donate some awesome artwork. He paints mailboxes and they are so good they have been auctioned off at several hundred dollars. Great Clips at Mt Zion has also donated a free haircut to be raffled off.  We are beyond blessed with people surrounding us wanting to help. A woman from our church has been instrumental in the journey to our service dog. She is 8 months pregnant with a 2 year old and she is very committed to helping us.  That is why we go there and why we are joining this church. They are the first church to reach out to us and help us with Annie and her special needs. This is the church we have been looking for and we love it. The Kenton County Recorder came out today and did a story on Annie and the use of an Autism Service Dog. She took pictures and she said the story will be out next thursday 5/26/11. She said you can stop by the office and get a copy, if you want one starting the 26th for 1 week. Jen from "The Jeff and Jen Morning Show" on Q102 said she would do anything to help us get a dog. 4 Paws For Ability is in the process of making a page for Annie so people can donate through that. So please, if any of you are willing to help us organize an event, or know anyone who can help us achieve our goal, please email Thank you for keeping up with our blog and caring and loving us and our little Annie MacKay.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Struggles

It seems that Annie has had a rough couple of days, or at least from what I do see of her after work.  I try so hard to make sense of all of this without complaining because I know it could be much worse.  I think this has really stretched my faith in many ways that I cannot even begin to explain.  I try to rationalize why Annie had to be the one with this and I come up with not one good answer.  Rather I am left questioning so many other things and why they are what the are.  The more I think about all this the more I realize how blessed I am for everyone in our life.  I will stop before this turns into a therapy session.....   I want to thank everyone that has been helping my family along this journey to a service dog.  Also, a special thanks to a few at my work that have really shown how much they care for others by helping our family out in an amazing way.  Each day is a day closer to Annie getting her service dog and a friend that will not judge her, rather love her for her.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

How a service dog will help Annie

What a service dog will do for Annie is one of the more difficult questions to answer because it makes me realize how dependent Annie is on us as her parents.  While my one twin is potty trained and can open the fridge and tell you what she wants Annie as it seems is locked within herself.  We know there is so many great things in her, however she cannot let those great things out yet. 
Her twin is to the point that when we are in a store she can walk along side of us, while Annie still needs to be in a stroller.  She does not understand the dangers of running off without us.  With the help of a service dog Annie may be able to experience the freedom of not being confided to a stroller while in public.  Annie is such a special little girl and it is truly heart breaking to know that she does not get the experiences that others her age do because of her autism.
We have to also limit the time that we spend in anyone place due to Annie’s inability to digest new environments.  After walking in the mall Annie will begin to scream  and if not distracted Annie will go into tantrum or melt down mode.  This is not because she has behavioral issues rather it has to do with her autism and sensory issues.  During this time Annie gets many stares because many do not understand the struggles she has each day.  
       After reading and seeing how service dogs work we also think that the service dog may help her to limit the tantrums/melt downs as well as the stimming (this would be reparative behaviors such as spinning, odd hand gestures and running back and forth).    The leading causes of death among wanders is due to drowning or death due to the elements.  You hear it time and time again of autistic children going missing and what greater freedom could she have then to know the service dog will help keep her from wandering.  Then if the unthinkable were to happen and Annie did go missing the service dog is trained in search a rescue, which could save Annie’s life one day.  
This is one of the more touchy parts of Annie having autism.  Annie’s twin is getting to the point where she is making new friends and Annie has yet to make many if any.  This is not because she is not fun to be around rather it is because she is closed off so to speak like so many other autistic kids.  We both know that the service dog is not a pet in the traditional sense of the word, however we believe that it can be much more then this.   A companion that may help bring Annie out of her shell of autism.  We believe that animals have the ability to help in the recovery process of overcoming autism along with other disabilities.  Annie needs as much help as possible to lead a normal life.  While every parent wants their child to be a doctor, lawyer or the next president, we on the other hand want Annie to lead a life of independence.  We want Annie to learn the basic life skills that each of us tend to take for granted.  With the help of the service dog I believe this can be a major help to her being able to live that life of independence.    

The beginning

This is one of the places that we will keep family and friends posted with our efforts to fundraising for Annie's service dog.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                              Contact: Joshua Havel 859-907-4625

INDEPENDENCE, KENTUCKY (May 1, 2011)—Annie Havel needs a service dog so she can be assisted in living a life of independence so many tend to take for granted.  Annie is a three-year-old with autism and motor skills issues, and her family is convinced that if she gets a service dog, it could help her and possibly save her life one day if she were to ever run away.
A service dog costs approximately $13,000, an amount that parents of three children can’t afford on their own, but are hoping to get the funds to purchase a dog through 4 Paws for Ability, a non-profit organization that trains dogs and solicits donations for families to receive the dog. Autism affects about one in every 110 children in the United States. 
About a year and a half ago, Annie was diagnosed with autism, ADHD and a sensory disorder. Annie also “toe walks” and must wear leg braces to keep her feet flat as she walks. As a result of her diagnosis, her family started doing research to find out how they could help their daughter develop as best she can like her twin, Joslyn, who is without any handicaps. In order to keep her autism somewhat under control, Annie is required to be administered 14 different medications a day, and must be under constant supervision.
“She’s a trooper, and she’s very compassionate,” father Joshua Havel said. “She’s come a long way. It’s definitely been a challenge. With the help of a service dog Annie may be able to experience the freedom of not being confided to a stroller while in public. Annie is such a special little girl and it is truly heart breaking to know that she does not get the experiences that others her age do because of her autism.”
4 Paws for Ability trains the dogs—a cost of $20,000 alone—and engages families in fundraising efforts to raise the minimum of $13,000 before a dog is given to a needy applicant. All donations are tax-deductible and 90 percent of the placements are with children with special needs.            
Donations may be made through the website, To make other donations of prizes for fundraising events, please contact the Havel family. For those interested in helping Annie and her family, please contact Joshua Havel at 859-907-4625 or